Prevention Terms Quick Reference Guide

Understanding Prevention and Recovery can be a challenge if you do not understand the terms that doctors, therapists and prevention/treatment specialists are using. The following Prevention Terms directory will help you to quickly navigate this specialty language. Quick designators have been placed after terms to point out specific interest areas which include:

DFW = Drug Free Workplace, E = Education, L = Legal, M = Medical, PD = Prescription Drugs, T = Treatment


Aversion Formulations (PD)

Aversion Formulations are Alterations to a prescription drug’s formula to reduce its abuse potential. These alterations can include changes to a drug’s delivery method, chemical consistency, or physical properties.



Closed System (PD)

Closed System refers to the DEA’s process for ensuring that all individuals and organizations who handle controlled substances, including manufacturers, distributers, prescribers, and pharmacies, are registered with the DEA. Individuals and organizations must meet certain requirements to obtain and maintain this registration, including tracking all controlled substances they handle.

Controlled Prescription Drugs (PD)

Controlled prescription drugs are prescription drugs that contain at least one DEA Schedule controlled substance. Prescribers and pharmacies must meet certain requirements (including licensing) to prescribe and dispense these prescription drugs.



Environmental Prevention Strategies

Environmental Prevention Strategies (EPS) are population-based interventions that change the context in which individuals make decisions. Environmental Prevention Strategies are important because they have the potential to alter the environment in such a way as to facilitate large numbers of individuals to make healthy choices. Environmental Prevention Strategies are traditionally run over long periods of time to impact Social Norms of the community.


Formulary (PD)

Formulary is a list of prescription drugs covered by a health insurance plan. It can include criteria that determine when certain drugs are covered.


Good Samaritan Laws (L, PD)

Good Samaritan Laws are laws that provide legal protections to individuals attempting to assist an individual in danger. These laws can contain provisions for assisting individuals overdosing from prescription drugs, including administering naloxone or contacting emergency personnel.



Indicated Prevention Programs (L, E)

Indicated prevention programs are prevention programs intended to identify and serve individuals at risk for a substance use disorder (e.g., a student with recent increased delinquency).




Long-acting Opioid Analgesic (M, PD)

Long-acting opioid analgesic are opioid-based pain reliever prescription drugs intended to manage chronic pain. These drugs have high dosages of opioids and patients are directed to take them at regular intervals, not “as needed.” Also known as extended release opioid analgesics. Contrast to short-acting or immediate release opioid analgesics.





Pharmacy Hopping (PD)

Pharmacy hopping is when a patient attempts to fill the same prescription at multiple pharmacies to obtain more medication than the prescribed dosage.

Physicochemical Barriers (PD)

Physicochemical barriers are a type of aversion formulation to reduce a prescription drug’s abuse potential. These barriers can be designed to make it more difficult to dissolve, crush, chew, or otherwise modify the prescription drug.

Polypharmacy (PD)

Polypharmacy is the concurrent use of four or more medications to treat various health conditions.

Pseudoephedrine (PD)

Pseudoephedrine is a nasal decongestant found in many over-the-counter and prescription medications. It is also a key precursor chemical in several of the most common methods used to produce methamphetamine.




Schedules of Prescription Drugs (PD)

Schedules of Prescription Drugs are prescription drugs that contain controlled substances are classified along the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Controlled Substances Act Scheduling system according to their acceptable medical uses and risk for abuse or dependency. The Schedule runs from I (highest classification) to V (lowest classification).

Schedule I Substances

Schedule I controlled substances are those defined as having no accepted medical uses and a high risk for abuse or dependency, and, as such, there are no Schedule I prescription drugs. Legal manufacture of Schedule I controlled substances is permitted for certain research purposes.

Schedule II Substances

Schedule II controlled substances are those defined as having accepted medical uses and a high risk for abuse or dependency. Due to their high risks, the DEA has placed additional requirements on the storage, transportation, and tracking of Schedule I and II controlled substances.

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (T)

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) is a strategy to deliver services to individuals at risk for or with substance use disorders, focusing on a short screening, immediate services, and referral to more comprehensive services.

Social Norms

Social norms or mores are the rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. People who do not follow these norms may be shunned or suffer some kind of consequence. Norms change according to the environment or situation and may change or be modified over time.


Tramadol (PD)

A long-acting opioid analgesic for treating moderate to severe pain. Contrast to oxycodone.


Uncontrolled Prescription Drugs (PD)

Uncontrolled prescription drugs are prescription drugs that do not contain any DEA Schedule controlled substances. Prescribers and pharmacies must meet fewer requirements to prescribe or dispense these prescription drugs. Examples include medications to treat high blood pressure or bacterial infections.

Universal Precautions (PD)

Universal precautions are steps that prescribers can take to reduce the likelihood of prescription opioid misuse among patients, such as ensuring patient informed consent about opioid use or developing a treatment agreement.

Universal Prevention Programs

Universal prevention programs are prevention programs intended to reach an entire population (e.g., all students in a school, all residents in a community, etc.), without regard to individual risk factors.