Different people from all walks of life and from all parts of a community working together toward the common goal of preventing and reducing substance use among kids and in the local business community.
What is a "Drug Free Workplace?"
It is an employment setting where all employees adhere to a program of policies and activities designed to provide a safe workplace, discourage alcohol and drug abuse and encourage treatment, recovery and the return to work of those employees with such abuse problems. The intent of the program is to educate adults on the problems relating to substance abuse. The one place where there can be mandated adult education is the workplace. This empowers the individual and the family, resulting in stronger communities.
Why Establish a Comprehensive Drug Free Workplace Program?
Current research indicates that nearly 77% of illegal drug users are employed in full and part-time jobs. Consequently, when the effects of alcohol abuse are added, the result is a large impaired portion of the national workforce. For the typical employer, that means unhealthy employees, unsafe working conditions, loss of productivity, smaller profits, more accidents, higher medical claims expenses, and a host of other negative effects for the employer and the employees.
How Will This Impact My Workplace, Schools, and Community?
Family Members’ Substance Abuse Affects Workers!!
Slightly more than one-fourth (26%) of employed adults report that there has been substance abuse or addiction within their family and 42% of these workers report that they have been distracted or less productive at work because of it, according to a recent national telephone survey.
Having their mind drift away from work tasks to thoughts of the problem was the most frequently reported work-related problem (89%), followed by missing a deadline or work/attendance suffering (57%) and errors in judgment (46%).
The workers surveyed suggested several ways in which employers could help, such as implementing a drug free workplace program, offering counseling for family members of addicted individuals (73%), providing better health insurance coverage (67%) and providing a more flexible work schedule or time off work (65%).
What Is Needed To Become a Drug Free Workplace?
The Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation certifies employers as a drug-free workplace. Those certified receive a 7.5% reduction of their workers' compensation premiums. Employer must submit a copy of their certificate each year to their carrier in order to receive the discount. (O.C.G.A. §33-9-40.2) (O.C.G.A. §34-9-412)
Items that you will be required to have in order to certify as a drug-free workplace:

A written policy - Code Section 34-9-414
Organizations must have a substance abuse policy that meets the requirements of GA law.

Access to assistance - Code Section 34-9-416
List of treatment and counseling centers or proof of (EAP) Employee Assistance Program which may be a part of your company health insurance plan.

Employee education - Code Section 34-9-417
Copy of monthly Employee Drug Education Newsletters, or a copy of sign-in sheet from in-person training or DVD training.

Supervisor training - Code Section 34-9-418
Copy of monthly Supervisor Training Newsletters, or a copy of sign-in sheet from in-person training or DVD training.

Drug testing - Code Section 34-9-415
A receipt from the drug testing administrator will be sufficient. Results of all drug tests must be kept confidential.
Maintaining these five requirements annually can be a daunting task for companies large and small. The good new is there are excellent programs that can be easily implemented and will help your company to maintain your drug free workplace program.
Transform your schools, businesses, and communities into safe and drug free environments by becoming a Drug Free Workplace Today!
*Drug Free Workplace Program recipients receive a 7.5% Discount on Workers' Comp! Self -Insured companies receive the same 7.5% discount off their state assessment fees!. Georgia State and Federal contract and grant recipients must maintain a Drug Free Workplace.
Documents to keep on file to prove drug free workplace compliance

Occupations With High Rates of Substance Abuse